
File Texture Manager

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File Texture Manager

21 ratings

This add-on allows you to organize texture paths easily.

This add-on works on Blender 2.8 to 3.0

10% of the profit goes to the Blender Development Fund.

Strong points:

* Texture paths clearly organized by directories.

* Check if textures files are missing, and what is the original directory.

* Move around or Back up all your textures in specific folders and assign the new path in one click.

* Assign different LOD texture to an asset very easily.

Basic usage:

- the add-on is located in the scene panel

- once the file is open, go to the File Texture Manager panel and press refresh

- after the calculation (can take few second if the amount of textures is huge) the add-on will display all the directories involved.

Some textures where moved and you want to assign the correct path:

A lot of time happens that we move the project around or we lose some textures for some mysterious reason, in this case:

- Press Refresh

- Select the directories that says (n) of them does not exist.

- In the Target Directory paste the correct location.

- Press Set path.

How to assign a new LOD or a variation:

Some times happens that you have different resolution of the same textures, let's say 4k, 2k, and 1k. Maybe you want to preview the render using a 1k resolution, using GPU before cranking up 4k for the final render.
Or maybe your asset in a particular shot is so far away that you wont load the 4k texture set. In this cases:

- Press Refresh

-Select the Directory that involves the asset that you want to assign the LOD textures.

- In the Target Directory paste the LOD directory.

- Press Set path.
(the textures must have the same name and format)

How to copy file to another directory:

At the end of the project we want to backup all the texture in one single place, in Blender we can pack and unpack, but in complex scene this operation can be tedious and also the process is kind of unclear, is way better to keep the blend file and the texture separated. What you can do is:

- Press Refresh.

- Be sure that all the paths are correct (if not  look above how to assign the correct path).

- In the Target Directory paste the location you want to move the textures in.

- press Copy Files

- press Set path to set the path to the new location

(the original files are still in their original location, you you want to delete it, you should it manually, we decided this way to avoid trouble since is an un-doable operation)


- Complex scene can take some time to refresh

- In some cases having the add-on active can slow down the viewport, so it is probably better to activate it, only when you need it.

To Do:

- Ability to change file format

Thank you!



このアドオンはBlender 2.8で動作します。

利益の10%はBlender Development Fundに送られます。





プロジェクトの最後にすべてのテクスチャを1か所にバックアップしたい場合など、Blenderではパックとアンパックができますが、複雑なシーンではこの操作は面倒であり、プロセスも不明確ですが、 このツールでは簡単に可能です。




1.シーンパネルのFile Texture Managerパネルに移動し、*Refresh* を押します。



5 texture(s) C:\texture・・・C:\textureから5つのテクスチャを読んでいる

 3 of them dons exit(s)・・・5のうち3つのテクスチャは正しく読めている

 2 of them dons not exit(s)・・・5のうち2つのテクスチャが見つからない



4.Target Directoryに新しいパスを設定します。


5.パスの置き換えであれば Set Path をクリック

ファイルのコピーであれば Copy Files をクリック






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